Ключевые слова:
Cotton fields, cotton stalks, two-tiered plow, soil-deepener, furrow, deeply backfill.Аннотация
This article examines the issues of improving the technologies of plowing and processing cotton fields. Studies show that the uneven relief of cotton fields, that is, the presence of furrows and depressions, has a negative effect on the quality of technical equipment. One of the mentioned innovations is the oscillating base wheels developed by K. Isayev, by means of this technology, the coefficient of variation of driving depth is reduced by 2-2.8 times, and the work efficiency is increased by 23.8%. Also, the effectiveness of the method of crushing cotton residues in the field and burying them in the soil is shown: when 5 tons of residues are buried in 1 hectare, the productivity increases by 39.9%, and when 15 tons are buried by 68%. Two-tier plows have been developed for effective soil cultivation; however, their application remains limited when dealing with fields that are free of repeated crops. Fields empty of a number of crops, including corn, sunflower, sesame, cotton, and the like, are difficult to handle with current two-tier plows. But this article emphasizes the need for further improvement of the technical means used in plowing cotton fields. It is mentioned that the lower part of the cotton crop is compacted due to irrigation, and these problems are not sufficiently solved.
Библиографические ссылки
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