
  • Shoxsanam Norpulatovna Nurova Автор
  • Siddiq Sharifovich Olimov Автор

Ключевые слова:

dental defects, periodontal disease, hormones, menopause


in women with breast cancer, in women with early menopause, there is a development of a high level of dental diseases in the adaptation phase of the body, with a lack of the hormone estrogen or its abrupt complete absence after radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. It has also been proven that estrogen deficiency negatively affects the condition of the hard tissues of the tooth and especially the condition of periodontal tissues

Библиографические ссылки

1. Nurova Sh.N. Treatment and Prevention of Dental Deformities in Women in Early Menopause, MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | May- Jun 2022 ISSN: 2660-4159

2. Нурова Ш.Н. Обзорный характеристика об этиологии, диагностики, лечение и профилактики зубочелюстных деформаций у женщин в ранней менопаузы. Oral medicine and craniofacial researchVolume: 03 Issue: 1| 2022 ISSN: 2181-096623-26

3. Nurova Sh.N. Prediction and Prevention of the Development of Partial and Complete Defects of the Dentition in Women in Early Menopause. MIDDLE EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN Volume: 28, ISSN 2694-9970 11-15

4. Нурова Ш.Н. Аёлларда эстроген етишмовчилиги оқибатида тиш-жағ тизимидаги ўзгаришлар бўйича умумий тавсиф.Oral medicine and craniofacial researchVolume: 4 Issue: 2| 2023 ISSN: 2181-0966. Б. 53-56

5. Nurova Sh.N.General Description of Changes in the Gums in Women with Breast Cancer / RESEARCH JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND DISABILITY STUDIES Volume: 2, ISSN 2720-6866 220-224

6. Scardina, G.A. Oral microcirculation in post-menopause: a possible correlation with periodontitis / G.A. Scardina, P. Messina Ц Gerodontology. - 2012. -Vol.29(2). - P.el045-1051.

6. Ramya, K.S.Expression of VEGF in Periodontal Tissues of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Chronic Periodontitis -an Immunohistochemical Study / K.S. Ramya // J Clin Diagn Res. - 2014. - Vol.8(8). - P. ZC01-3.

7. Нуров Н.Б. Analysis of data on the morphological structure and biomechanics of the temporomandibularis system World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH) ISSN 2749– 3644 Volume 3,October-2021;85-87 Impact factor:7.635

8. Нуров Н.Б Prevalence of adentia in the elderly and development factors. World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH) ISSN 2749– 3644 Volume 3,October-2021; 78-81 Impact factor: 7.635

9. Нуров Н.Б. Treatment of old people according to age specialties World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH) ISSN 2749– 361Х Volume 3,October-2021;125-128 Impact factor:7.545

10. Нуров Н.Б.,Тешаев Ш.Ж., Олимов С.Ш. Morphological features of the face-jaw in humans with complete and partial adentia Journal of Advanced Zoology ISSN: 0253 7214Volume 44, Issue S-2 Year 2023 Page 770:778



Как цитировать

Nurova , S. N., & Olimov , S. S. (2024). OCCURRENCE OF PERIODONTITIS IN WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 3(13), 53-58. http://researchweb.uz/index.php/erus/article/view/189

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