
  • Jasur Erkin o‘g‘li Saydazimov Author
  • Sardor Alisher o‘g‘li Saydazimov Author
  • Surayyo Shohobiddin qizi Yovqochova Author


Kompyuterlar inson tomonidan hisoblash jarayonlarini avtomatlashtirish uchun yaratilgan. Bugungi kunda ular nafaqat hisoblash, balki turli murakkab vazifalarni bajarishda yordam bermoqda. Ushbu maqolada kompyuterlarning ilk mexanik mashinalardan tortib zamonaviy sun’iy intellekt tizimlarigacha bo‘lgan rivojlanish tarixi batafsil yoritiladi.


1. Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. MIT Press, 1998.

2. Freiberger, Paul, and Michael Swaine. Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer. McGraw-Hill, 1984.

3. Campbell-Kelly, Martin, and William Aspray. Computer: A History of the Information Machine. Westview Press, 1996.

4. Isaacson, Walter. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. Simon & Schuster, 2014.

3. Babbage, Charles. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. Longman, 1864.

4. Turing, Alan M. Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind, 1950.

Internetdagi manbalar:

1. Wikipedia.org – History of Computing

2. Computerhistory.org – Computer History Museum Resources

3. Britannica.com – History of Computers




How to Cite

Saydazimov, J. E. o‘g‘li, Saydazimov, S. A. o‘g‘li, & Yovqochova, S. S. qizi. (2024). KOMPYUTERNING RIVOJLANISH TARIXI. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 3(11), 54-57. http://researchweb.uz/index.php/erus/article/view/18