Voltage Regulation, Electrical Supply Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Stability, Efficiency, Real-Time Decision Making, Nonlinear Systems, Simulation, System Performance, Electrical Engineering.Abstract
Voltage regulation is a critical aspect of electrical supply systems, essential for maintaining stability, efficiency, and safety. Traditional methods often face challenges in addressing the dynamic and nonlinear characteristics of modern power systems. This paper investigates the application of fuzzy logic as a novel approach to enhancing voltage regulation. Fuzzy logic, known for its capability to process imprecise and uncertain data, provides a versatile framework for modeling complex electrical behaviors and enabling real-time decision-making. The proposed methodology integrates fuzzy logic with existing voltage regulation techniques, creating a hybrid system designed to improve accuracy, reliability, and responsiveness. The approach is evaluated through extensive simulations and real-world case studies, showcasing its potential to outperform conventional methods. Results highlight that fuzzy logic enhances the precision of voltage control, improves system reliability, and optimizes overall performance, particularly under varying load and operating conditions. This study demonstrates that fuzzy logic is a promising tool for addressing the challenges of modern electrical supply systems, paving the way for more adaptive and efficient voltage regulation solutions.
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